Work Projects with Adobe Captivate

General Code of Operating Rules-Safety Training

This is a storytelling training, transforming the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Railroad Administration code into stories for easy understanding and relevance.

Storyboard for Safety Training-Web Layout

Tutorials:   Module 1Module 2,  Module 3,  Module 4


eCFR Radio Communications

This is a storytelling training, transforming the Electronic Code of Federal Regulations, written at the Grade 17 level, into relevant, actual stories experienced by rail workers.

Storyboard Radio Communication Mod. 1-2

Storyboard Radio Communication Mod. 3

Tutorials:   Module 1Module 2Module 3

(An error box may appear with some search engines.  Click the blue OK button and it should play without an issue)


Train Operator Video Practice with Overlays

S-Line Northbound (Interactive) or Youtube screencast

S-Line Southbound (Interactive) or Youtube screencast


Current Project:  Alignment and Station Familiarization

Blue Line Station Familiarization

Red Line Station Familiarization

Green Line Station Familiarization

S-Line Station Familiarization